April 21, 2012

New Plan

So immediately after writing that post yesterday I called Dr. B's office. Had to leave a message of course, but thankfully the nurse called me back same day. They are totally fine with me cancelling this cycle and moving forward with the ovarian drilling surgery (seriously need to come up with a less terror inducing name for that...).

So, its not official yet, but I should be having surgery on May 10th and will hopefully be back to our regularly scheduled TTC by July - fingers crossed!

Unfortunately, that means that after only one medicated cycle, I'm back on another break. My third break since M and I started TTC. I'm starting to feel like I spend more time on a break than I do actively trying to get pregnant.

But, seriously, I'm very happy about my decision. It feels absolutely right and I'm convinced it will expedite our efforts. No more wasting time - we're getting down to business for real.


  1. Thanks for keeping us posted! I'm glad you feel happy about your decision. I hope the drilling gets those ovaries into shape pronto! :)

  2. I'm so glad you have a plan that you feel good about. The hardest part of IF for me is all the waiting. I know it may sometimes feel like you're putting things on hold again, but really you're moving forward in important ways. (Also, I'm trying really hard to think of a new name for ovarian drilling, but I haven't thought of anything good yet. I'll have to get back to you.)

  3. I'm glad you feel good about the decision. That is the most important thing. Hang in there girl :)

  4. Ahhh Ovarian Drilling is THE WORST name. It makes my ovaries cringe to hear it. But I'm glad you have a plan, hopefully it will be as painless as possible! I only had 1 period from July 2010 - June 2011, and that was brought on by a medicated cycle. I know how you feel about feeling like you're waiting for longer than you're actually trying. But you're not just waiting, there is a lot of work going on even if it's not sperm-meets-egg work.

  5. Ovarian drilling is a yucky name for the procedure...but try to keep in mind that it will increase your chances of success!! I agree with robin: even if you are not actively ttc right now you are getting your body ready for a healthy pregnancy!

  6. Wow, this post reads very different from your last. I can almost hear the relief in your voice. I feel like I've been on perpetual waiting too- but I'm told that it is worth it.

  7. I agree with tami, you sound so relieved!! Although the words ovarian drilling make me CRINGE, I am so glad you were able to figure your way through your thoughts and move forward so quickly. Hopefully this brings you one step closer to that little baby :)
