September: Diagnosed with Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
June: Curly Sue and M get married!
January: No more Birth Control Pills, not expecting much.
Feb-April: Whole lotta no ovulation going on
April: start 1000mg metformin and try soy isoflavones (this fails)
April-September: Ovaries continue refusing to share their eggs with me
September: 50mg clomid - No O
October: 100mg clomid - O CD18!! - BFN
November: 100mg clomid - No O??
December: 150mg clomid - No O :-(
January and February: New Dr. and TTC Break
March: 100mg clomid, HCG shot, and IUI - BFN
May: Ovarian Drilling Surgery
June: O (on my own!) 6/29 - BFN
July: Back to medicated cycles! 100mg clomid - O on CD18 - BFN
September: 100mg clomid CD5-9 - O on WhoTheHellKnows (thank you head cold) - BFN
October: 100mg clomid CD5-10 w/ trigger CD16 - BFN
November: TTC break through the new year, regroup for IUIs in 2013 ::sigh::
We're scraping the bottom of the barrel, folks - only a few more tricks left to try...
March: 5mg Femara CD5-9 w/ trigger - IUI CD16 - BFN
April: cycle scrapped due to emotional fallout from failed March cycle and my Mom's medical emergency
May: Re-group from family life upheaval
June: Do I even *want* to do another IUI?
July: Okay, one more IUI in August and then we close the chapter on pursuing a biological child.
August: 100mg Femara CD5-9 w/trigger - IUI CD18 - BFN, taking this as a sign from God.
September: Stop treatment, time to come to terms with facts and grieve for my never to be conceived children.
The year without infertility treatments
Adoption - Onward!
January: mailed application to our chosen agency. Announce to the Facebook World our plans.
March-June: Homestudy classes, paperwork, home visits. So many hoops - so much jumping.
July: Homestudy approved and officially WAITING!!!!
Praying this is our year...