August 30, 2012

And its 16mm in the lead!

Next cycle, I think I might come up with goofy horse names for the top 5 follicles or so - then if I have to have a repeat scan I can amuse myself with a horse race narrative in my head XD Anything to keep infertility funny, ya know?

Well, the good news is, one folly took the lead and is still growing. I was kid of hoping for a two-fer, but beggars can't e choosers. I have managed to, so far, avoid the Femara discussion. The Guru told me to start OPKs Friday or Saturday and I may ovulate Monday. We'll see. I suppose I should start writing down my temps each morning in order to get a better idea of when/if I ovulate. Labor day may be Sexy Time day in my household ;-) Yeah, that was a lame joke...

So I've been researching gluten-free diet restrictions, in case my skin biopsy comes back positive for dermatitis herpetiformis. Not cool, guys, not cool. Goodbye pizza, goodbye fake crab which I lovingly refer to as K-rab, goodbye beer unless I can track down one of two non-shitty gluten free beers available in the U.S. Thank GOD I don't have celiac disease where gluten could give me all kinds of scary symptoms. I think, I HOPE, if I give up the major gluten offenders (many of which I have already cut out or cut down on to be low carb), then I can still get away with sauces, dressings, marinades, and other tasty liquids which are laced with gluten. I just might get a little itchy if I over-indulge. We'll see if that is in fact the case. This is going to make eating out at restaurants very....interesting.

Also, did any of my fellow PCOSers see this? I don't watch Dr. Oz or The Doctors or any of those medical daytime talk shows, so I guess I'm behind the curve. But my PCOS Awareness group on FB posted the link to this research article. I'm willing to be a guinea pig! Found a reputable lab that sells this supplement online and am thinking of trying it out. Its just so damn frustrating to be eating WAY healthier than the average American and STILL be over-weight! My sister has lost around 15 lb. during her pregnancy, despite not changing her diet (she already ate well) or exercise. Her doctors keep reminding her "While you're pregnant, the PCOS is kept in check, all your hormones are behaving themselves, so it makes sense that you would lose weight". How sick is this disease??? Ugh!

Anyway, happy Labor Day weekend to my fellow Americans, and regular happy weekend to the rest of you!


  1. Congrats on the follie! Super news!

  2. Ooooo . . . I go back for my second follie scan this week. The RE didn't tell me what was on the right ovary (since I'm never going to get pregnant from that side), but the good ovary had a 12 mm follie on Tuesday. Maybe I should take bets from people around me on what they think it will be tomorrow morning? Like co-workers? They keep asking when I'm going to have kids anyway sooo . . .

  3. Yessss! Hooray for the follie!

    And a happy Labor day to you as well - let's all celebrate with nooky.

  4. Yay follie! Thanks for the link to that article. Which lab did you find that in? I'd be a guinea pig for that.

    1. Wonderlab has the product in the specifications that my PCOS group on FB outlined. Seems a little expensive for a supplement, but I'm willing to give it a shot!

  5. Many restaurants have added gluten-free options. Still not ideal, but it's better than them not offering anything. Happy Labor Day to you as well.

  6. Hooray follicle! Hope you have a great Sexy Time Day this weekend!

  7. Wow! Congrats on those ovaries kicking into gear! I hope ovulation comes Monday, just as you planned :)

  8. 1. Congrats on the follie!
    2. I've been trying to figure out this gluten thing as well since there seems to be a connection between that and PCOS. Seems like doctors don't really know much about it though when I ask. So, I've been just trying to stay low carb in general.
