August 06, 2012

7DPO and Counting...

I went in for my progesterone blood draw this morning. Fastest visit to the lab *ever*.

My temps are still high and, even better, not a hint of spotting yet. On my few non-medicated cycles, I usually started spotting around 7DPO. I think its symptomatic of poor ovulation quality and a crappy corpus luteum progesterone output. On medicated cycles, I don't usually spot until 12 or 13 DPO - probably due to a better egg and corpus luteum. But I always *always* spot before my period, medicated cycle or not.

So, not spotting today is a good sign of strong ovulation, but I won't allow myself to hope for more than that just yet. I will probably test on 13 or 14 DPO. If there's no spotting up til then, I will be very anxious to see what the test says. f I am spotting, the test is a perfunctory act to clear my conscience before I start drinking.

Ooh, I just looked at the calendar. My sister and her BFF always plan a "Girls' Weekend" in the summer. We all get together at someone's house on a Friday, kick out all the boys, and hang out for 3 days straight crafting, cooking, and watching movies. Its this coming weekend, which means if I test on 13 DPO (Sunday, 8/12), I'll be among friends whether good news or bad, alcohol can be on hand, and I'll have a whole day to recover before going to work. That sounds like the best possible scenario, even if one of the gals there just found out she's having an "oops" baby (apparently, condoms don't work well enough). She's not exactly in my "cohort" as it were, so for some reason that means it bothers me less.

Cross your fingers that I make it through the week and weekend with NO SPOTTING!


  1. Fingers crossed and best of luck!

    1. Thank you! The hardest part in not obsessing - OMG its so hard! Even with the Olympics and Big Brother filling some of my time...

  2. Hey there! New follower here. I'm hoping the spotting stays at bay and you get to see the test you've been dreaming of. If not, a girl's weekend sounds like an amazing way to drink and craft it off :)

    1. Welcome! Thanks so much for the well wishes :-) And yeah, I've been looking forward to this Girls' Weekend for like 2 months! A little BFN won't ruin it for me...I hope!

  3. I haven't heard you this zen-like in a long time. It's nice. I also happen to know how much better it feels than the alternative. Now if we could just figure out how to bottle that...

    Also, thank you so much for your support over the last week or so. Hell, all your support since we started following each other eons ago. It's meant the world to know I'm not alone, and even if we've never met in real life, and there is someone that cares.

    1. Its so cool how close you can feel to people you've never met, isn't it? Sometimes, the internet does wonderful things! I really hope you start to feel better soon, but I know its a long, slow process that shouldn't be rushed. I <3 you, bloggy friend!!

    2. I love you too bloggy friend.
